Behind the Scenes...
Redemption was born in my heart when I was a young girl, but not completed until many years later, with the needed passage of time. I believe it is one of my finest songs, and am proud of both the audio recording and the video production.
I hope you enjoy them, too!
Credits, thanks and so on...
Director of Photography & Co-Director: Keith Stark
Producer: Emelia Stark
Co-Director: Sharon Tse
Makeup & Hair: Robbin Kujus
Filmed on location at The Barn in Farmington Hills, MI
The Band :
Guitar, Vocals: Sharon Tse
Guitar: Duane Harlick
Bass: Jon Reynolds
Keyboard: Susie Woodman
Drums: Bryce Harding (audio recording) | Luti Erbeznik (video)
Organ: Dale Grisa (audio recording) | John Finan (video)
Backing Vocals: Amy Fong-Kretzmer, Paul Kretzmer, John Finan
Special Thanks to Jeff and Sherrie Stewart for the opportunity to film in The Barn!
Watch the Video
Behind the Scenes...
Although Good Love Ends is about 'love gone bad' I think it still celebrates the best part of that love. It is the consummate example of my pop/jazz influences, with an honored spot for a killer guitar solo. Turn it up!
Credits, thanks and so on...
Director of Photography & Co-Director: Keith Stark
Producer: Emelia Stark
Co-Director: Sharon Tse
Day 2 Makeup & Hair: Robbin Kujus
Filmed on location in Michigan at White Lake, Grand Blanc High School, Our Garage and Tempermill Studios.
The Band (present day):
Guitar, Vocals, Percussion: Sharon Tse
Mandolin: Jason Dennie (audio recording) | Dennis Kingsbury (video)
Guitar: Rod Capps
Cello: Dale Grisa
Backing Vocals: Annie Capps
Duane Allen Harlick: as Himself
Jim Kissling: as Himself
Young Me: Kenna Hale
Young Band and Students:
Alex Cashman, Caleb Clor, Tracy Cook, Lizzi Deneen, Alyssa Henderson, Caleb McDougal, Tommy Messner, Gus Peters, Zachary Tse
Special Thanks to Jamie Nicholson - most excellent teacher and Multi Media Club sponsor - for giving up a precious Saturday to open the school for us. And equal thanks to Ron and Helen for sharing your lovely place with us!